
15 People were also bringing babies to Jesus for him to place his hands on them. When the disciples saw this, they rebuked them. 16 But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 17 Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” Luke 18:15-17

Sunday, I had the privilege of witnessing a 21 baby/children dedication. There were many images to choose from. However, I had to share this one with you. We know that children already inherit the kingdom of heaven. However, Pastor charged the congregation and parents to know that they were making a public declaration to be held accountable. As parents, it is our responsibility to raise our children in the Word of God. Pastor said that our children are on loan. They are God’s. Being a parent is a hard job….why not allow God to help guide you? Where ever you are reader…..find a church to become a part of. Seek God in all you do. Allow Him to bless your journey.

She is here!

I was so excited to meet this little one! She took her time making her grand entrance. As I met her for the first time, all I could do, is thank God. It is so neat to watch Cal and Mary—–in love. Miss Charlee is so blessed to have them as her parents. Her red locks are captivating and her blue eyes…adorable. Here are some of my favorite images.

Waiting on God’s Best

Last Sunday as the praise and worship team led us into a worship song, I happened to glance over and see Shauntya and Benjamin worshipping alongside each other. It overwhelmed me. The tears rolled. I thanked God out loud for their union. They will be married in July. My joy overflowed for them. Marriage is hard and you have to work at it. However, these two have cancelled out so many odds. Waiting on God’s best can do that for you.

“Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?” 2 Corinthians 6:14

I was so blessed to attend Shauntya’s bridal shower later that afternoon. Michelle Chaney hosted the event in her home. Shauntya was welcomed and blessed with many gifts from our church congregation. The table was adorned with their initials and goldenrod roses with accents of royal blue ribbon. In attendance were friends and family of the Delays. So thankful to be a part of such a great family and church congregation!

Congrats Benjamin and Shauntya!


“The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.” Luke 18:27

I have had the honor of knowing this couple for awhile now. Callan and I met while I worked at State Farm. At the time, my husband and I had just started attending our church. After we had finished up our Helps Ministry class, I was paired up with Callan’s wife Mary to work in our nursery. I served alongside her for 2 years. God knew what He was doing pairing us two together. Mary and I were able to grow into a friendship. Our conversations were anything from something hilarious to the more serious ‘life prayer requests’. We saw each other through several of those tough prayer requests.

I remember sitting in front of Mary’s house one night. My friends had been through a lot. She was struggling to make sense of it all. She was upset and her heart was broken. A loss is a very difficult thing to go through. You know, it is often said that when you go through something, as awful as it may seem at the time……God has a purpose for it. Over 8 years ago, I had found myself in Mary’s shoes….questioning God-confused-brokenhearted-empty. That night, God used all of that for the good. I was able to understand and encourage Mary. My prayers for her over the next few months were very specific. God is so intricate and so purposeful. Trusting Him is wonderful. His timing is better than we will ever know. When we got news a few months ago that Charlee was on her way….all I could do was rejoice!

When I was asked to do this photo shoot, I was honored and overwhelmed all at the same time. My heart rejoices for Callan and Mary. I know they have alot of love to give. Charlee will be so blessed! I can’t wait to meet her.

I love you Callan and Mary. Thank you for the opportunity.

Here some images from our shoot. The beauty of a woman hosting God’s greatest miracle, is the most beautiful picture, ever!!!! So to all my friends and unknown fellow expectant mommas… are so blessed to be chosen by God to display Him at His finest….God’s crescendo. LIFE!!!


Love. We often throw the word and the phrase, ‘I Love You’ around loosely. It is so common that it has lost it’s meaning.

Of course as February being the month of Amore, I cannot go on without writing about love. As the world spends this month, showering each other with gifts, flowers, and chocolates, I would like to honor a couple that truly impacted my life.

I was asked to shoot this anniversary celebration. I knew of the couple but I didn’t know them personally. I arrived at their home and was able to witness their joy and love for their family. These two have toughed it out through the ‘thick and thin’. The love overflowed from each of them. As the bride got ready, she was giddy and nervous. The groom waited at the end of the aisle just like a teenage boy. He was in love and in awe. As the ceremony took place, I was in tears. It was amazing, to see their children gather around and pray for them. Powerful! I spoke with the couple after the ceremony and ask the common question.

“How did you make it this far?” I paused. “How did you stay in love?”

They grabbed each others hand and looked into each others eyes.

“God. And we never gave up. We have been through life’s journey together. Good, bad. Lack, prosperity. Health, not so good health. Births and deaths…….God. And we never gave up.”

I was honored that I had the opportunity to shoot this 50th Wedding celebration. Even more so when I found out that they had never had a photographer when they first married.

I write this, as the groom is recovering from heart surgery this week. Please keep them in your prayers for divine complete healing.

Thankful. Empowered. Determined.

Isaiah 40:31

31 but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.

Wow! To be able to come face to face with yourself……difficult and liberating!!!!!! I had a desire to learn from this weekend and I had even asked God for it to be more than learning. However, I never realized I would walk away with so much. God blessed me with a new perspective, self realization, amazing new friends, technical knowledge, and He refueled me. The most evident change is knowing who I am and knowing what I want to convey with my images. Could this journey get any better than this???????

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Sweet Momma

13 For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
Psalm 139:13-14

It seems like just yesterday……

I believe with all my heart that a woman with child is the most beautiful subject to see. However, I know from experience that throughout your pregnancy you do not always feel so beautiful. You are not in control of your body, your emotions, and all kinds of other physical ailments that come along with pregnancy. But have you ever thought that mankind can do all things and have so much technological advancement, and yet through everything we have accomplished and been able to do….we still cannot create a baby. Of course there are so many medical options to try to help people have a baby. But overall our great and mighty God in all His awesome power is the only one who can fabricate that being inside of us. Can you imagine what an amazing honor it is, that God would choose woman to host His most incredible miracle?????? Consider it. Ponder on it. Think about it. And if you are pregnant and feeling unattractive, miserable, emotional, huge, tired, and all those other terrible things we say about ourselves. Look at yourself in the mirror and be in awe struck wonder. God chose YOU. Enjoy this time!!!!! I want to help women to understand and capture them in all of their beauty throughout that time. I would be truly honored…..


I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him. 1 Samuel 1:27

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