
“May He give you the desires of your heart and make all your plans succeed.”
Psalm 20:4

I have had the honor of knowing this young man and his family for a few years now. His parents were our first Life Group leaders. From the moment we met Noe’s parents there was a sincere love for them. God allowed them to lead us spiritually for a time. It was a joyful journey. Now, we have the pleasure enjoying their friendship. Thank you for helping us, praying for us and encouraging us. You have a great family. I believe there is never a dull moment. 😉

Noe worked alongside us in children’s ministry. I am excited to see what God does through this young man. He has a true calling on his life.
Noe, I hope your roots remain deeply anchored in Christ. I pray each step and decision you make will continue to bring honor and glory to God. Now that you know the calling on your life, continue to work towards allowing that to unfold. I know that God will use you to bring many to encounter Him. My husband and I are very proud of you. We are happy to see make a difference at such a young age.

Here are some images from our shoot. The last one is my favorite. I know these moments are flying by. I am so glad I didn’t listen to your mom. She might be upset but she will enjoy it. I know it! Love you guys! Thank you for the opportunity.


“The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.” Luke 18:27

I have had the honor of knowing this couple for awhile now. Callan and I met while I worked at State Farm. At the time, my husband and I had just started attending our church. After we had finished up our Helps Ministry class, I was paired up with Callan’s wife Mary to work in our nursery. I served alongside her for 2 years. God knew what He was doing pairing us two together. Mary and I were able to grow into a friendship. Our conversations were anything from something hilarious to the more serious ‘life prayer requests’. We saw each other through several of those tough prayer requests.

I remember sitting in front of Mary’s house one night. My friends had been through a lot. She was struggling to make sense of it all. She was upset and her heart was broken. A loss is a very difficult thing to go through. You know, it is often said that when you go through something, as awful as it may seem at the time……God has a purpose for it. Over 8 years ago, I had found myself in Mary’s shoes….questioning God-confused-brokenhearted-empty. That night, God used all of that for the good. I was able to understand and encourage Mary. My prayers for her over the next few months were very specific. God is so intricate and so purposeful. Trusting Him is wonderful. His timing is better than we will ever know. When we got news a few months ago that Charlee was on her way….all I could do was rejoice!

When I was asked to do this photo shoot, I was honored and overwhelmed all at the same time. My heart rejoices for Callan and Mary. I know they have alot of love to give. Charlee will be so blessed! I can’t wait to meet her.

I love you Callan and Mary. Thank you for the opportunity.

Here some images from our shoot. The beauty of a woman hosting God’s greatest miracle, is the most beautiful picture, ever!!!! So to all my friends and unknown fellow expectant mommas… are so blessed to be chosen by God to display Him at His finest….God’s crescendo. LIFE!!!

Perfect Healing

Then your light shall break forth like the morning, Your healing shall spring forth speedily, And your righteousness shall go before you; The glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard.
Isaiah 58:8

Wow is the only word that I can utter. God totally goes above and beyond we could ever imagine. The past week has been so busy and I have been blessed with alot of additional photography appointments. However, the actual blessing is how each one of these kids has impacted and forever changed my life. You know, at the beginning of this journey there were specific things that I prayed for God to do. He has left me in complete awe.

Taylor, you are a great young man. You are about to step through a new door where the possibilities are endless. You will have the power to choose every time. Be wise, for you will face the consequences to every choice, good or bad. God is waiting with open arms.

Brittney, your outward beauty is captivating. However, seek God on a level where He will shine through you so intensely that people are drawn to you. He will use you to reach others for His glory.

Stephanie, you my dear, are one tough cookie. Please look at everything that you have experienced and allow your experiences to heal or encourage others. You have a lot to offer other than your beauty. Wisdom.

My prayer is that each of you will seek God first in all that you do. Regardless if you were facing emotional pain, lack, emptiness because of what you have been through….you showed me strength, tenderness and a heart that longs to love and be loved. God loves you! Be true to who you are and do not ever settle. I am excited to see what lies ahead for each of you! Know that although we met for brief moments during our shoots, you are forever burned in my memory. Thank you for the opportunity.

Who am I???

Who am I? The question I think, is burning deeply within me. Yes, me. I am no one without God. All I have done is obeyed, trusted, and surrendered to be a vessel. Every shoot is like a new page of God’s story unfolding in me. I am overwhelmed with joy to see God move in my life. Each person that I encounter is challenging me to change in some way. It causes personal and professional growth. Every appointment has a purpose. Although I am on this journey, I know that each one of my subjects has a future waiting for them. I pray for what the future holds for each of their lives. Reader, I encourage you to do the same.

I am honored to share these images with you. The week has brought forth change. God has helped me dig deeply to connect with my subjects. God has also graced me with His ability to portray strength and beauty through these photographs.

Thank you to my subjects for the opportunity.

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